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Pottery Painting and Pantomime

On a bright chilly morning Phab met at Portland Building at the university for the first part of our Christmas trip. We headed to the Atrium to be welcomed by tables full of colour and pottery figurines where we then chose our Christmas themed pottery pieces from Santa Claus, to elves and Christmas trees to angels. Then it was time to paint! It was fair to say that some of us got a little messy but we ended up with some beautiful mementos of the day that will be treasured decorations for years to come.

After lunch it was time to head to the pantomime! We watched the wonderful Dick Whittington and enjoyed singing and dancing along with all the characters, there was one or two rounds of 'He's behind you!' which all our members joined in with enthusiastically! After the pantomime we even got our own special 'Merry Christmas' from the Pantomime Dame as she joined us on the bus! We ended the day with a little Christmas chocolate and then said our goodbyes for the holidays!

Thanks to everyone for a great day and we wish all our members and volunteers and their families a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Click here to see the pictures from the day.

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